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Terms of Service

The Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (hereinafter, "RFEA" ) informs you that access and use of eAcademy Athletics website (hereinafter "Platform" ), of the domain and all the subdomains and directories included under it, as well as the services and contents that can be obtained through it, are subject to the terms that are detailed in this Legal Notice, without prejudice to the fact that access to any of said services or content may require the acceptance of additional conditions.

Therefore, if the considerations detailed in this Legal Notice are not in your agreement, please do not use the Platform, since any use you make of it or the services and contents included in it will imply acceptance of the legal terms collected in this text. The conditions and terms included in this Legal Notice may vary, so we invite you to review these terms when you visit the Platform again.

The RFEA reserves the right, at any time and without prior notification to users, to modify, expand or temporarily suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services of the portal, as well as to make changes in order to update, correct, modify, add or delete the contents of the portal or its design. The contents and services offered by the portal are periodically updated. Due to the fact that the updating of the information is not immediate, we suggest that you always check the validity and accuracy of the information, services and content collected on the Platform.

The information obtained through the Platform, as well as the answers to the questions raised in its contact forms, fulfill a function of general information and attention to the citizen in the terms established in article 4 of Royal Decree 208/1996, of 9th February, which regulates administrative information and citizen services, so that in no case may any binding legal effect be derived.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

All the contents of the Platform, unless expressly indicated otherwise, are published under license XXX and, therefore, the rights contained in this license are granted, provided that you accept the terms and conditions of the license.

The RFEA declares its respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties; Therefore, if you consider that the Platform may be violating your rights, please contact the RFEA.

Additional information of personal data

Responsible for the treatment:

Avenida Valladolid 81, 28008 Madrid, Spain

Contact details of the data controller:

In the email

Contact details of the data protection officer:

The Data Protection Officer (DPD) of the RFEA is CONSULTING & STRATEGY GFM SL You can contact the DPD at:

Treatment name:

E-learning Academy Athletics Training


Management of users who participate in this type of massive and online courses, open training, so that they can have access to its contents and the accreditation tools (digital badges) that allow knowing the skills acquired.


Consent of the interested party.

Recipients / Treatment by third parties:

No assignments or transfers of your personal data are foreseen, except in the case of legal obligation.

The RFEA complies with the directives of international data transfers, in this case to the EU, through the standard clauses of the binding corporate regulations. Decision 2010/87 / EU of the Commission, of 5th February 5, concerning the standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to those in charge of the treatment established in third countries, in accordance with Directive 95/46 / CE


The interested party has the right to request access to their personal data, to request its rectification or deletion, to request the limitation of its treatment, as well as to oppose its treatment and request the portability of the data. For this, you can contact the person responsible for the treatment. On our website at the link

Terms or criteria for data retention:

The data is deleted at the request of the interested parties, after identificationsending a copy of your tax identification document.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any question related to the services of the Platform, will be the Spanish law LSSI-CE and with respect to data protection the European Regulation General Regulation of Protection of Personal Data (RGPD UE 2016/679) and Spanish legislation LOPD 3/2018 and Guarantee of Digital rights

For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to the Platform or the use of the services that may be offered therein, the RFEA and the user agree to submit to the Judges and Courts of the user's domicile, provided that the it is located in Spanish territory, and after the civil or administrative claims that, in accordance with the provisions of Law 30/1992, of 26th November, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure, are appropriate.

Data reuse

The use of the data sets available on the Platform will be done at your own risk and account by the users or reuse agents, corresponding exclusively to them to respond to third parties for damages that may arise from it.

The RFEA will not be responsible for the use made of its information by the reusing agents nor for the damages suffered or economic losses that, directly or indirectly, produce or may produce economic, material or data damages, caused by the use of the reused information.

The RFEA does not guarantee continuity in making reusable documents available, neither in content nor in form, nor does it assume responsibility for any errors or omissions contained in them.


The RFEA, through links on the Platform, provides you with access to other websites that we consider may be of interest to you. The purpose of these links is only to provide you with the search for resources that may interest you through the internet. However, these pages do not belong to RFEA, do not review their contents and, therefore, RFEA is not responsible for them, the operation of the linked page or the possible damages that may arise from accessing or using it. The user assumes sole responsibility for the consequences, damages or actions that may arise from accessing the linked website.

Users who intend to establish a hyperlink between their website and the Platform must take the following into account:

The establishment of the hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of relations between the RFEA and the owner of the website in which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by the RFEA of its contents or services. Therefore, it will not be declared or implied that the RFEA has expressly authorised the hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the services offered or made available on the website from which the hyperlink is established.

The RFEA is not responsible and do not guarantee the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness or morality of content or services that the establishment of the hyperlink may offer. The user assumes sole responsibility for the consequences, damages or actions that may arise from accessing the hyperlink's website.

The website on which the hyperlink is established may not contain a brand, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to the RFEA, except those signs that are part of the same hyperlink.

The website on which the hyperlink is established will not contain information with content that is illegal, discriminatory, contrary to commonly accepted ethical principles or violates public order, nor will it contain content that is contrary to any third party rights.

Use of frames

The RFEA expressly prohibits the technique known as framing or the use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or contents of the Platform.

What are cookies?

Cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when accessing certain pages

Web. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognise to user. The user's browser memorizes cookies on the hard drive only during the current session, occupying a minimum memory space and not harming the computer. Cookies do not contain any kind of specific personal information, and most of them are deleted from the hard drive at the end of the browser session (so-called session cookies).

This Legal Notice is updated as of 07/07/2021.